HowNow X - Learning & Support

HowNow X Release Notes

25 June 2024 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Added support for opening of records from Active Workpapers | BF-4606

26 April 2024 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Improved performance of record searching | BF-4192

26 June 2023 - HowNow (Hotfix General Release)


  • Fix for emailing multiple Smart Links | BF-2970
  • Fix for invalid search terms | BF-2609

18 May 2023 - HowNow (Hotfix General Release)


  • Fix Smart Link format regression | BF-2334

27 April 2023 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Improved actions for multi-selected files.
  • New record copy action "HowNow Web Link". The link has the ability to be shared, allowing the recipient to access the corresponding record in HowNow upon clicking. Subsequently, the relevant file will be automatically opened.

20 December 2022 - HowNow (General Release)


  • This version reverses the fast filing changes made in v513.
  • A new debugging feature has been added to allow tracking of record file modifications.
  • Added the ability to warn users that they are running on an older-unsupported version.

6 December 2022 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Improved Knowledge and Record filing | BF-2271
  • Further improved search times | BF-2024
  • Improved Logging around Contact Data Refresh | BF-2024

12 October 2022 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Improved security around accessing storage servers | BF-2024
  • Decreased search times across the board | BF-2122
  • Added 'Retrieving File' prompt to inform users the process when double clicking a file | BF-2063

15 August 2022 - HowNow (General Release)



  • Faster start-up times when launching HowNow | BF-1927
  • New users will be granted access to the 'Draft' status by default when none is given upon inviting | BF-1927
  • Users with the 'Can Edit Record Profiles' privilege disabled can now view record profiles, but will be locked out all of all profile editing | BF-1938

5 April 2022 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Changed the way HowNow opens files to force the document to open in the windows default application | BF-1166
  • Added release notes button to the software update form so users can check what is in a release before downloading it | BF-1246


  • Changed wording on Portal exports to show if one fail in a group of files failed to export | BF-215
  • Fixed issue with HowNowAlternatePosition bookmark pulling incorrect position | BF-757
  • Mobile number is no longer an option when inviting an account to the portal as this is managed via BF Idenity | BF-1041
  • Fixed issue with duplication email files containing attachments | BF-1142
  • Fix for renaming files that have a period in the title | BF-1340

4th March 2022 - HowNow (Hotfix General Release)


  • Resolve issue where some firms were unable to open documents after updating to version

3rd March 2022 - HowNow (General Release)

This release includes the following features and improvements:

  • Record Weblinks - You will now be able to add weblinks (URL) as records. Perfect for OneNote files or any other information this accessible via a URL. Click here for more information on this new feature.
  • Change the behaviour for the linked records pane. Choose at a firm level or a user level if you want to show the linked records pane in the records search grid. Click here for instructions on to change this setting.  
  • Ability to add a Service Account type employee for third party integrations. Click here for more information on using this feature. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Change to how administrators add Knowledge items
With the release of the new feature for adding Record Weblinks the way in which administrators add knowledge items has changed. Knowledge items are now only able to be added via the right click > new menu. See this article for more information on adding knowledge items.



  • Added a 'Service Account' type employee that can be used for third party integrations | BF-982
  • Options added for the firm or user to turn on/off the linked records pane in records search grid | BF-864
  • URLs/Weblinks can now be added as a record | BF-380
  • Adding a knowledge item is now only via right click menu in knowledge | BF-380
  • Change the order for the merge letter profile to move signatory below contact selection | BF-1204
  • Improved layout on records standard and full view to use the same row height for all documents | BF-1203


  • Resolved issue moving files between secure servers | BF-1040
  • All record locations can now be selected when duplicating a file | BF-964
  • The filter tip for recall filters will now display | BF-955
  • Resolved issue with assigning tasks to inactive employees in Jobs | BF-953
  • Fixed issue with multi selecting tasks within a job window | BF-946
  • Make revision notes action buttons visible | BF-931
  • Fix admin type records to be duplicated correctly | BF-931
  • Lock record profile when a record is marked final | BF-931
  • Fix issue where showing incorrect record status on profile drop down | BF-931
  • Resolved issues with creating a record from an email attachment | BF-915
  • Fixed misalignment issue with record description if column ordering is changed | BF-906
  • Pinning/Unpinning location panes will now be remembered | BF-864
  • Resolved an issue with profile select not allowing to profile select between the same locations | BF- 1037
  • Resolved an issue with multiple users logging into a terminal server | BF-1135
  • Fixed issue with locking record locations in Knowledge | BF-1146

November 2021 - HowNow (General Release)


  • Added a locked icon to a record profile when it is final and not able to be changed | | BF-931


  • Make revision notes  action buttons visible in knowledge items | BF-931
  • Resolved an issue where records in administration locations could not be duplicated | BF-931
  • Introduced a maximum display title length to prevent formatting issues on contacts other tab | BF-931
  • Fix to allow for moving a moving record to a new location | BF-931
  • Resolved an issue where record statuses that shouldn't be showing were showing when creating a record from a knowledge item | BF-931
  • Improve contact repair | BF-957
  • Resolve issue where contact name and code were not showing on grid if contact was auto selected | BF-940

November 2021

HowNow General Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • Preview button has been added to records | BF-620
  • Ability to choose at a firm or user if automatically logout on close of HNX Desktop App | BF-417
  • Re-designed right click menu with new shortcut keys for changing record status | 
  • Default date range can not be set to more than 6 months | BF-689
  • Improved grid response when uploading a large document | DM-253, DM-236, DM-238
  • Refreshed the Knowledge Item Create Form | DM-334
  • Refreshed the Record Profile Form | DM-68
  • Refreshed to Record Duplicate form | BF-481
  • New column added to Record Profile to show the source of the File | DM-351


  • Resolved issue with store and recall filters | BF-444
  • Resolved an issue where a PDF wouldn't open correct after convert to PDF | BF-341
  • Prompt to add a default portal location will now only prompt if portal is logged in | DM-289
  • Correct email address is now being applied when batching merge letters | DM-338
  • Resolved an issue where assigned to filter was not showing in Jobs | BF-425
  • Fixed issue that stopped firms having more than 64 teams | BF-637
  • Teams list is now sorted A-Z | BF-677
  • Record icon is no longer changing when adding a record note | BF-680
  • Emails with attachments are now able to be opened on the new storage configuration | DM-263
  • Grid will now update again after adding a Record | DM-242
  • Resolved an issue where Employee Settings could not be saved | DM-391

July 2021

HowNow General Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • Improvements to Licensing | BF-154
  • Important Security Release


  • Firms not connected to Portal will no longer be prompted for a Portal login | DM-289
  • Resolved an issue where Records created using the Batch function were taking on the previous records Client name, and error is thrown when exporting to the Portal when the Client information is inconsistent | DM-317, DM-342, DM-338

May 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Contact Data Refresh log file and performance Updates | HH-3966
  • Major speed improvement to contact refresh. Each connection now sorts a hash of client data to ensure we only update clients where the hash changes | HH-3488
  • Paging has been added to the Linked Record grid | HH-3889
  • Added the ability to login via Microsoft business subscription | HH-3903, HH-3908


  • When using a task template in a job the scheduled date should now be correct | HH-3725
  • Combining Record Locations should move files in the backend again now | HH-3037
  • Merge documents should now open automatically when Auto-filing is not selected in the profile | HH-3912
  • Duplicating an HNDR will now duplicate all files | HH-3924
  • Contact Repair is now fixing the metadata again | HH-3589
  • Record duplication in all areas should also duplicate the Visibility | HH-3697
  • Resolved an issue where Add-ins weren't loading | HH-3954
  • Changes to Accepted File types will no longer be overridden | HH-3970

April 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Updates to TLS across the applications | HH-3852
  • Echo Profile functionality limited to 100 files only | HH-3861


  • Employee Privileges should now show in Employee Select form when leaving the Employee Details form | HH-3720
  • Employee Select form - statuses now save when updating | HH-3682
  • FileNotes bring in Employee Positions again | HH-3747
  • Records Sorting has been changed back to Descending | HH-3872

April 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Improved messaging when adding a document that is open on the desktop | HH-3700
  • Catpcha added on Password setup and resets for added security | HH-3706
  • Improvements made to messaging while user is accepting multiple invites | HH-3709
  • Changes to the back file structure to improve performance | HH-3728


  • Labels feature is now working again | HH-3335
  • Resolved an issue where the created date wasn't showing in the Audit Trail | HH-3755
  • Resolved an edge case issue where user couldn't select more than one client during a merge letter | HH-3582

March 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Open File Tracking implemented to improve File Use scenarios | HH-3684


  • Right-click on Records grid no longer requires a left click first | HH-3674
  • Improvements to timing of Versioning and Change Status prompt posssibly noticed on slower networks | HH-3541, HH-3689
  • Selecting a Team in Employee Details now works on first click | HH-3299

March 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • End of Life of Record Import Functionality for HNX (replaced by Echo Profiling) | HH-3554
  • Multiple Tasks can now be selected in the Job profile | HH-3514
  • Users will now receive a message about potentially unsecure files that will require the administrator to add them into Options (.exe, .lnk, .bat, .cmd, .ps1, .zip, .rar, .7z) | HH-3607
  • Contact Tab - new advanced filtering has been added to make it easier for users to perform more complex filtering on clients | HH-3446
  • Check for inactive tasks removed for new job creation when changing the status to started | HH-2792
  • Users are warned if they attempt to add a prohibited file - Administrators can add the 'Accepted File Type' to the list in >File >Options >Records Tab | HH-3607
  • UI updates to the External Data Refresh form | HH-3196
  • New Installers have been made available for secure or server type environments that need admin permissions | HH-3021


  • Resolved an issue where Exporting Records was also creating an XML file
  • When profiling a Record the Job Selection field can now be cleared | HH-3394
  • When creating a Job, client roles now successfully populate again | HH-3552
  • Resolved an issue where the No Date Range search was not working in Admin areas | HH-3528
  • Start Date Required fields are now saving when ticked | HH-3562
  • When filing Emails the record title is again the subject instead of the Smartlink Prefix as per the setup of the Standard Record Title | HH 3570
  • Resolved Record Locations scrolling issues | HH-3618
  • Employee Admin - the status of an employee only ever changes when an invite is actually sent | HH-2822
  • Admins can now Release File locks in Knowledge | HH-3583
  • Contact Repair is now repairing Metadata again | HH-3589
  • Echo Profiling is no longer changing the extensions when a title of 80 characters or more is encountered | HH-3575

February 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Contact Sync update for new XPM API version | HH-3309
  • 'Contacts' Display Field Editor now requires the Support Code | HH-3448
  • Removed the Advanced Filter functionality from Contacts to comply with security improvements | HH-3449
  • Record ID GUID added to accommodate future file structure changes | HH3431
  • New Accepted File extension list has been added to system options and replaces the watch inclusions list | HH-3436
  • Improved messaging for invalid file types when Echo Profiling | HH-3454
  • Added paging to Contact lookup search for performance improvement | HH-3439
  • Improvements to messaging when Disconnecting Portal Clients | HH-961
  • Record Versioning Improvements - all new Records will be locked to 3 versions | HH-3512
  • Improvements to Merge functionality to improve performance | HH-3532
  • Release File Locks feature now available in Records right-click menu for Administrators | HH-3526, HH-3054


  • FileInUse Performance Improvements | HH-2803, HH-3546
  • Record Locations no longer disappear when changing visibility on certain sub-locations | HH-3404
  • Employee Roles will now fill correctly when profiling and performing merges | HH-3395, HH-3511
  • Deleting Record Locations will again move Records back to their correct locations | HH-3363
  • Powerpoint files no longer open in protected mode | HH-3419
  • FileNote shortcut F9 is working again | HH-3456
  • Fixed an issue that would cause version files to not be deleted under certain circumstances. This also had a follow on effect of not clearing the InUseBy filed for the record | HH-3441
  • Multiple Clients are no long able to be selected when using Profile Select | HH-1021

January 2021


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Datasync version updated for Xero v3 API | HH-2458
  • When filing to a contact active clients are now selected before inactive | HH-933
  • Old version files will now be cleaned up during the software update process | HH-3211
  • Added validation to email addresses in Employee Details when setting up a new Employee | HH-3256
  • UI Update to HowNow Portal form | HH-2961
  • System Option added to change the Firms default for moving or copying a file when using the New Profile Wizard | HH-3289
  • Update to Email as Body UI - adding a status bar | HH-3102
  • Performance improvements to speed up Profiling of documents | HH-3321
  • UI Improvements to column headings on the Edit Document Profile form in Knowledge | HH-3354
  • New method of file locking available | HH-3178


  • Personal photo and Firm logo are now able to be updated again | HH-2922
  • Can now edit a Knowledge document successfully without HowNow closing | HH-3236
  • Smartlink Prefix is now working again with Copy to Clipboard function | HH-3035
  • Invalid email addresses with non-valid characters and spaces can no longer be invited to the Portal | HH-3283
  • Notes now show in the New Profile Wizard when adding them | HH-2856
  • Modified date now updates again the first time the record is edited | HH-2845
  • Administrators changing the name of a Status no longer require HN to be restarted | HH-3101
  • Splash screen on start-up tweaked to ensure it comes into focus when required | HH-3053
  • UI update to Document Type form | HH-2339
  • Added validation to email addresses in Employee Details when setting up a new Employee | HH-3256
  • Added validation to email addresses when inviting a new Portal Account | HH-3283
  • Right-click option >Combine PDF is now working as designed again | HH-3259
  • No longer receiving errors in the log file when closing My Personal Details form | HH-3264
  • Email As Body is now bringing through the correct files | HH-3253
  • Primary email address can now be changed when inviting Portal Client | HH-3254
  • Documents no longer open after using the Send To function - Add-in update is required | HH-3345
  • Positions can be assigned to Employees again | HH-3381

October 2020


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Knowledge Duplication refresh | HH-2431
  • When selecting an entity for filtering or selection, the 'clear selection on search' will no be unchecked by default | HH-2701
  • Improved UI for managing Record Locations | HH-2881
  • Record Location visibility now has enhanced inheritance up and down the tree structure
  • Watch folder improved. The functionality now copies the file by default instead of move. File is moved into a 'Processed' folder once profiling is complete. | HH-2857
  • New in-memory caching of employee information improves performance of employee related forms | HH-2796, HH-2794
  • Updates to the Login Logout DLL's | HH-3063
  • Member Lists optimised | HH-2797
  • Lookups on Item New and Document Merge have been optimised | HH-3015
  • Reset Password functionality is now only available to the Employee (not the Administrator) | HH-3095
  • Employees can navigate to Business Fitness Identity from the Personal Details page using the 'Manage Account' button | HH-3089, HH-3199
  • Updates to Employee lookups | HH-3186
  • Privileges are now grouped when choosing the Admin privileges | HH-3185
  • Improvements to startup process | HH-3148, HH-3042
  • Improvements made to the Employee Select Form for Admin privilege updates | HH-3218, HH-3182


  • Contact Repair functionality now functioning as designed | HH-2562
  • Resolved an issue where the iconid was blank and causing HowNow to stall | HH-2977
  • Tasks can now be opened from a Jobs Template | HH-2773
  • Personal Filter Level setting is now working correctly | HH-2694
  • Resolved an issue when a Task was starting from FYE date instead of previous task end date | HH-2575
  • Modified Date now updates on Record Audit Trail as designed | HH-2368
  • Jobs no longer errors when changing the 'Assigned To' field | HH-2974
  • Can now add a Note to a Record | HH-2925
  • Emailing a linked Record 'As Body' now pulls through the correct data | HH-2981
  • A Template Task can now successfully be deleted from a Job Task Template | HH-3018
  • When adding to review list the listed employees should now display members that are 'Content Reviewers' | HH-3103
  • The software update notification bars can now be closed again with the 'X' | HH-3188
  • When setting up a new Employee all fields can now be navigated as required | HH-3198
  • UI update for 'This Edition is Deleted' in Profiling wizard | HH-2843

August 2020


Improvements & Enhancements

  • Optimised the loading of the splash screen | HH-2842
  • Record Locations integration with Visibility improvements | HH-2936
  • Performance improvements to the Personal Details area | HH-2868


  • DB Script updates for Column Sort Order issues | HH-2604, HH-2787
  • RowID's now reorder correctly on deletion | HH-2910
  • Record Duplication errors have now been resolved | HH-2914
  • Resolved Record Location RowID movement issue | HH-2972
  • Improvements made to how the UI is handled to prevent GUI issues appearing | HH-2898
  • Records saving to a job now show the correct Client selected | HH-2929
  • Options for scheduling have been standardised to prevent date issues | HH-2927

August 2020

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • When Echo Profiling functionality is cancelled all documents can be cancelled | HH-2439
  • Software updates will now check every time HowNow restarts and not just once per day | HH-2555
  • Improved messaging in Knowledge dialogs | HH-2422
  • Improvements made to Records Import functionality | HH-2051
  • Introduced Echo Profiling for Emails | HH-2501
  • Performance improvements made to indexing | HH-2478, HH-2648, HH-2652
  • Change to Contact length in Phone DB field | HH-2588
  • Improvements to creation of Tasks with no Job association | HH-2621
  • UI update to Records Profile | HH-2577, HH-2645
  • Improved Echo Profiling by adding the ability to cancel all documents | HH-2486
  • Database Performance improvements | HH-2655, HH-2656, HH-2494, HH-2657
  • Employees area shows Active by default | HH-2613
  • When adding a Record and assigning a Task, the Task status can now be edited | HH-2638
  • A new dialog shows when attempting to open a Smartlink for a Record that doesn't exist in the database | HH-1359
  • Improvements made to Data Record conversion functionality | HH-1961
  • 'Clear Selection on Search' is now unchecked by default when in the Contact Select form | HH-2701
  • My Procedures has been removed due to End of Life for this functionality | HH-1521
  • Improved the auto selection of the EntityName when profiling a document | HH-2695


  • Combine PDF's no longer stalling or causing errors | HH-2411, HH-2508
  • Convert to Data Record is now working as designed | HH-2408
  • Tasks can now be created from a Job again | HH-2451
  • Knowledge Notes no longer print with a title | HH-2421
  • Resolved an issue where a particular scenario in Employee Profiles wouldn't save | HH-2423
  • Files can now be renamed after clearing the InUseBy field | HH-2546
  • Improvements to the performance of the InUseBy field | HH-2544, HH-2547
  • Setting the Default Email Title no longer causes errors | HH-2513
  • Resolved some issues where the status change wasn't working consistently | HH-2538
  • Creating Tasks no longer causes errors | HH-2506
  • Allow Own Profile edit now shows the settings | HH-2450
  • Versions are now saving to the new database structure | HH-2606
  • No longer able to add files to a contact location without a Contact | HH-2123
  • Prompt to complete a Job now shows when final Task is completed | HH-1789
  • Home page settings can now be edited without errors | HH-2553
  • A dialog now appears when duplicating a Knowledge document that doesn't exist in the backend | HH-2590
  • When adding new Records and assigning a Task, Records show again on the Task | HH-2436, HH-2641
  • Files can now be added to Knowledge with long file names | HH-2351
  • New tasks are now bringing in Partner, Manager, Reviewer content | HH-2611
  • Jobs now correctly display when 'Today' is selected | HH-925
  • First Task template in the list will now be selected | HH-2418
  • Improvements to Record Location editor | HH-2390
  • Importing and converting Data Records should now work as designed | HH-2412
  • Extra error appearing in the Content Update is now resolved | HH-2780
  • Resolved an issue where Adding to My Review when adding a Record made HowNow unresponsive | HH-2751
  • Resolved an issue when the Combine PDF functionality was stalling | HH-2669
  • Contact Repair button is now available to select users | HH-2670

May 2020

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • Added detailed logging to member invites and transaction status | HH-2487, HH-2503
  • Help Links not navigate to the Online Help main page | HH-2380, HH-2381
  • Profile UI update | HH-2180


  • Updates to the way transactions commit | HH-2503
  • Document Converter now installing with A4 as default paper size | HNS-744
  • Workflow transactions optimised | HH-2503, HH-2524, HH-
  • Resolved an issue where the Add-in manager wasn't updating with the software update | HH-2498
  • Improved the handling of the software updater so it is not tied to the first software updater logging into the HowNowX firm | HH-2142
  • Add-ins no longer show as Not Licensed | HH-2438
  • New Portal Accounts now pull in the contact email address | HH-2419

April 2020

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • Performance improvements when deleting multiple Records and Tasks | HH-1623
  • Improvements to back-end storage locations | HH-2424
  • Pre-Release installer now downloads the Beta version of Email Manager | HH-2425
  • Record Location Duplicate, Move and Combine have been reinstated | HH-1677
  • Improvements to the Contact searching in the Contact grid | HH-2323, HH-2344
  • Jobs and Tasks forms now appear on the same screen as HowNow | HH-2328
  • Improved Custom Keyword tagging | HH-2297
  • Updated UI in line with Microsoft | HH-2302, HH-2301
  • Profiling of documents in Records has been optimised | HH-2179
  • Improvements made to domain matching when adding emails | HH-2036
  • Contacts Search Bar now deselects the text allowing users to add new search criteria | HH-2056
  • Performance updates when starting HowNow | HH-2066
  • Logout and Release Locks functionality optimised | HH-2140
  • Add an email with HowNow closed optimised | HH-2138, HH-2139
  • Improvements in back-end licensing | HH-2204
  • Performance improvements to the Profile Wizard | HH-2181
  • UI Icons updated - HH-2203
  • Improvements to Record Locations selection | HH-2168
  • Performance improvements when importing Job Task Templates | HH-2229
  • Job Details report removed - End Of Life | HH-2162
  • Updated UI of Member Details form | HH-2341
  • Tasks can now be added with long titles | HH-1313
  • Performance improvements to Jobs & Tasks Filter recall | HH-2234


  • Record title can be changed when profiling a document from the Office Add-in | HH-2287
  • Record Locations can now be edited | HH-2443
  • Teams visibility changes are now correctly reflected in the Editor | HH-2416, HH-2415
  • Reviewer field is now filling correctly when bulk importing for multiple clients | HH-1951
  • Search bar now works when Adding a Portal Account in Contacts | HH-2263
  • Perfomance improvements in Record Profiling when selecting the Area | HH-2124
  • Improvements to Contacts selected in the Jobs 'Activity' Report | HH-2216
  • The Next button is now showing when importing Jobs | HH-2352
  • Resolved Store/Recall Filter errors | HH-2119
  • Toolbar applications can be deleted again | HH-2178
  • Resolved UI alignment issues | HH-2316
  • Software Updater option now working as designed | HH-2318
  • Fixed the tab order when duplicating Records | HH-1535
  • Resolved an issue where errors were reported in the logs when creating a new Team | HH-2289
  • Duplicating in Records and changing location no longer errors | HH-2184
  • Recycle Bin is now functioning as designed | HH-2276
  • 0 Emails waiting to be filed message no longer shows | HH-2078
  • Documents added with the Office Add-in can only be added once | HH-2095
  • Adding a new Portal Account to a Contact now pulls in the primary contact | HH-2146, HH-2177
  • Signatory Field is now pulling into the Merge function | HH-2136
  • Trusted Locations now updated with HowNowX location | HH-2151
  • Job Task template - Task Select - Position, Partner, etc, now working as designed | HH-2208
  • Completed Jobs Report now fits to screen | HH-2218
  • Deleting a task no longer changes the status to Cancelled | HH-2167
  • Assigning a Task from a Record now attaches the document to the Task | HH-2282
  • Jobs can now be imported and Contact can be changed | HH-2205
  • Can now open a Task from the Job Details form | HH-2206
  • Jobs auto-assignment of numbers is now working as designed | HH-2224
  • Job Task Template Task Details form now comes into focus | HH-2230
  • Task Templates no longer showing an error when assigning a Position | HH-2228
  • Jobs and Tasks can no longer be assigned to Inactive Employees | HH-2235
  • Positions is now working for Bookmarks | HH-2176, HH-2187
  • HowNowAlternate Position bookmark now pulls in the highest position | HH-1598
  • Assigned Employee now pre-fills when creating a New Job - HH-2231
  • Organisation Employees report has been removed - End Of Life | HH-2202
  • Record Versioning is no longer disabled by Knowledge Document properties | HH-2350
  • Log errors are no longer reported when searching on a Client in Jobs tab | HH-2442
  • Records Excel Export now exports the full search results | HH-2366
  • Icons for emails, add-ins | HH-2369, HH-2364
  • Options >System Wide settings updated to reflect HNX functional changes | HH-1660

April 2020

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • After signing into Portal 'Restart File Helper Service' message no longer appears | HH-2045
  • Implemented timezone functionality for HowNow Hub | HH-1938
  • Implemented secure multi-firm support for Hub via File Helper Service | HH-1803
  • Implemented database re-indexing scripts for performance improvement | HH-1893
  • Implemented automatic keyword tagging for email attachments | HH-1680
  • Streamlined Reporting, removed Printer option | HH-1249
  • Preview is turned off by Default and not currently available in HNX | HH-1619
  • Improved token expiry messaging | HH-1999
  • Allow Previous Backups Feature for Administrators now added in Records Profile area | HH-1925
  • Search performance Improvements | HH-1910, HH-2132, HH-2067
  • Increased Link Code field to 32 Characters - HH-2061
  • Searching in Records using .ppt, .docx, .xlsx, .pdf now optimised | HH-2006
  • All users can update - now defaulted to ON | HH-2007
  • End of Life Home and Organisation Tabs | HH-1661
  • User Interface enhancements when uploading documents | HH-2039, HH-2126
  • Removed the message to restart the File Helper Service after logging into the Portal | HH-2045
  • New 'Echo Profiling' feature added when profiling documents to Records | HH-2155
  • Workflow is now turned on for licensed clients | HH-2185
  • End of Life Budget and Time from Jobs and Tabs functionality and tabs | HH-2161


  • Merge letters using multiple clients are now working as designed | HH-1662
  • Smartlinks is now notifying again when an update is required | HH-2064
  • Improved loading/status areas of User Interface | HH-1692
  • Signatory position should now pre-fill correctly when creating a batch from Knowledge | HH-1808
  • Resolved an issue to ensure the Watch Folder functions as designed | HH-2086
  • Content Download no longer causing errors in the log file | HH-2040
  • Duplicating a document now inherits visibility | HH-2111
  • The Client assigned to a Task can now be changed without error | HH-2093
  • When deleting in Knowledge the correct Edition will now be deleted | HH-2118
  • Knowledge are now saving to the Content folder again | HH-2128
  • Adding Revision Notes to Knowledge is no longer producing log file errors | HH-2089
  • Inviting Clients to the Portal is now working as desgigned again | HH-1507, HH-1865, HH-1857
  • Filters now lists and loads when exporting documents to the Portal | HH-1776
  • Filtering on Tasks no longer producing log file errors | HH-2076
  • Signatories are now correctly pulling into the New Profile Wizard form | HH-1230
  • 'Assign a Task' form now tabs in the correct order | HH-2152
  • Add-in are successfully notifying users when updates are required | HH-2064

January 2020

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • Jobs & Ribbon Filters are no longer visible when when licensed for Tasks only | HH-1606
  • All search bars require the user to press Enter after typing the search criteria in line with Online solutions | HH-1604
  • Visibility area is no longer available on the Ribbon Filters when licensed for Tasks only | HH-1613
  • HowNow X now requires 2FA 
  • Record Versioning is turned on by default to 3 | 
  • No longer retains retired files in the HowNow folder | HH-1911
  • Improvements in the Software Update process | HH-1496
  • Document locations can no longer be viewed in the wizards | HH-1866, HH-1865
  • The Checked Out function has been retired | HH-1513
  • Preview functionality has been removed while it is being rewritten to accommodate cloud access of files | HH-1871
  • Cloud Storage account creation locked down by new secure access code | HH-1838
  • Optimised Clearing of filters | HH-2005
  • Optimised File In Use checks for HowNowX | HH-1992
  • HowNow can now be launched from the Software Updater dialog | HH-2009
  • Grid paging optimised for faster return of search results | HH-2050


  • Merge Document dialog no longer shows a Test Hint | HH-1310
  • Scroll bar now working in Knowledge >Default Record Location dialog box | Hh-1878
  • Records and Knowledge Import tool now refreshes the location | HH-1889
  • Icons now populate when using the Import Records button | HH-1880
  • Records Cataloging optimised for HowNowX | HH-1811
  • Resolved an issue where files in the recycle bin could not be opened | HH-1972
  • Resolved time zone issue for AU states | HH-1940
  • Can now remove items from the Review list | HH-1986
  • Draft Word and Excel documents are now opening in Edit mode | HH-1869
  • Resolved an issue where Editions weren't renaming | HH-2046
  • Firm Name can now be changed successfully | HH-2015
  • HowNowX software will now install into the chosen directory | HH-1980
  • Filtering on highest edition will now show the highest edition you can see based on the recycling bin button being set or not | HH-1954
  • Port 445 accessible message is now shown after checking access to any drives instead of all of them | HH-1996
  • Opening HowNow with DataModified or any other date field will now sort in the correct order | HH-2047
  • Styling of default record locations, default record location = bold & blue, default Portal location = bold & green, archive = red
  • Only one default Client Portal Default location can be set | HH-1964
  • Authors/Users now identified by their name instead of their initials | HH-1988
  • Logo Updates - HH-2008
  • Resolved an issue when adding documents to Knowledge | HH-2083
  • Knowledge Import has been simplified and shows a validation error if the title already exists | HH-2077
  • Popup boxes sizing should no longer change | HH-2059
  • New signing certificates have been assigned to installers | HH-1962, HH-1971, HH-2023
  • Resolved inconsistencies in indexes | HH-2044

August 2019

HowNow Pre-Release

Improvements & Enhancements

  • In the Records tab 'Create Follow Up Task' has been changed to 'Assign a Task' | HH-1426


  • Record Locations now show locations with multiple Teams Visibility assigned | HH-1461
  • Column heading no longer flicker to the field names when clicking on Record Locations | HH-1367

HowNow Pre-Release


  • Fixed a problem which would cause an error regarding corrupted or incompatible filter settings from recurring after restarting HowNow  | HH-1270
  • Default Sort columns that were previously set to descending sort order in HowNow 5.0 should now also default to descending order in HowNow 5.2 as well | HH-1273
  • "Update from External Database" is available for users that can edit contacts | HH-1018

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